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Send multiple videos or audios on WhatsApp as a single file;

send files on whatsapp
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WhatsApp is the name and a famous application that we always use in our day-to-day life. We all use WhatsApp for so many purposes and mainly used to communicate with our close most beloved persons. In that application, we can also share images, videos, audios, and documents, etc. And also we can share our location too. This article is all about the concept of sharing and sending audio files, video files, and document files, etc. If you wonder and thinking about the concept, the head is totally different. Yes, this article is about sharing and sending multiple video files, audio files, and other documents as a single file. This process will be very simple and just like packing gifts and transferring to the receiver’s end as a package. Let’s move on for further information.

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Most firmly, the audio files, video files, images are can be shared one by one format. That takes too much time and makes us wait for a little while. So to overcome that buffering and slow process here’s in this article, I’ve made a clear-cut solution. The thing is sharing all the files as a single file. If you don’t know how to share the files as a single file, then you’ve reached the right destination. This article shows up you the right way of sharing all the files as a single file on WhatsApp.

How to Send multiple videos and audios as a single file on WhatsApp?

As I said in the previous passages, WhatsApp is the best social media platform in this current world. For transferring multiple files like audio, video, image as a single file, we’re gonna use a simple method. The method is done and explained by the application named Rar. By using this app, we’re gonna pack all the files we need to transfer to the receiving person. The receiver also needs to install the same kinda application on their device too. Then only the files can be received easily. By telling the overview of the article, sending all the files in a package manner of Rar extended Rar file on WhatsApp. This method is done on Android devices and not tried on iOS devices. Below are the procedures that were mentioned to clear-cut the concept of the heading. Let’s crack the procedures with some simple steps.



1. First of all, install the app named Rar from Google PlayStore or follow this link.

2. After installing the app, open the app, and choose the files which are all you want to send on WhatsApp. After choosing the files, click the option that was located at the top column like a symbol of Rar with a plus(+) icon.

3. Once you’ve clicked the Rar option, the files getting into the archive option and there you can edit the file’s name. And also you can set passwords for the rar file and also you can convert the files into zip files, or rar 4.x file formats. The normal rar file is enough for sending multiple files.

4. After entering the name, press OK button that was located at the bottom corner. Then the process of archiving goes on.


5. Finally doing all the steps including fixing names and extracting processes to the file, the process gets over. Now open your WhatsApp and select the documents option. There select the RAR file which you’ve chosen before. And send the file to the required person.

NOTE: Make sure that both the sender and receiver must be installed in the same app named RAR. We can normally extract the packed file using our file manager, but this app would be better.


The article has reached its conclusion part with a short and sweet summary. This article is all about the topic of “Sending multiple video or audio files as a single file on WhatsApp“. The methods and procedures were mentioned clearly. All you need is to follow the steps and procedures that were processing the same way of transferring multiple files. For this method, we’re using the app named RAR. And that’s it, the article get’s over.
