July 23, 2024


Future OF Technology And CommunicaTion

How to Hear YouTube Videos on Background Screen?

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YouTube is the best-rated entertainment platform in this current modern world. The reason will be that YouTube holds millions and millions of users and based on that the YouTube stands so tall. Nowadays, without YouTube, no one can learn anything so much informative. Also on YouTube, you can share your ideas and views and at the same time, you can also gain some informative things day by day. Based on this head of YouTube, this article is all about the concept of playing YouTube video in the background screen and also on the lock screen. If you don’t know the concept, then you’ve reached the correct destination. Here you can understand how to play YouTube video and audio on a background screen. Let’s get into the article for further information.

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Play YouTube videos on Background Screen:

YouTube is used by most people all around the world and so famous for its contents. There are lots of ideas and answers were available on YouTube. And in that YouTube, if wanna play a video or audio on the background screen or lock screen, is it possible? Yes, one hundred percent it is possible to play YouTube videos on the background screen or the lock screen. The process will be very simple and easy to do.


Sometimes, if we’re watching a video on YouTube, at some time we will click the Home button. By the time, the YouTube video goes on Pause. Then by unknowingly, you’ll click the lock screen button, by the time the video goes onto pause. Like this, we can explain so many reasons, and the solution will be only one. And that solution is just very simple. You can understand the method and also you can make it with an instant of time. This way of playing a YouTube video will be very much useful. In this method, there are no other applications were involved and all the things were done legitimately. The procedures and steps were mentioned below, all you need is to just make eyesight over the steps and make a clear overview of the concept.


1. At the very first step, open any kind of browser on your device. Most probably, Google Chrome will be the right choice.

2. Up next after opening a browser, search for YouTube, and select your favorite video that you wanna hear the video music in the background screen.

3. Then after opening YouTube on the browser, click the three vertical dots that are located at the top-right corner.

4. In that options, click and enable the “Desktop Site

” mode. By enabling this mode, you can view a desktop’s view from your device itself.

5. And finally, play the video which you liked to play. Then after playing the video, click the home button or power button, by the time the video gets paused. If you see in the notification bar, the video’s play option will be available. There you can play the video on the background screen and also on the lock screen.


The article has reached the conclusion part with a short and clear-cut summary. This article is all about the topic “How to hear the YouTube videos in the background screen“. The methods and procedures were mentioned clearly and the process will be very simple and informative to use. And that’s it, I hope you may enjoy the article.
