July 22, 2024


Future OF Technology And CommunicaTion

Delete All Tweets on Twitter in just One Click;

delete all tweets in just one click-foftact.com
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Twitter, the most famous name in this modern digital world. On Twitter, people can share their thoughts as Tweets with some media files. And for this content sharing, Twitter is on the top as high. Everyone will expect a change in their life to adapt to a new life. Likewise, if you wanna start a new life on Twitter, you can do many ways. In that order, deleting all your Tweets will also make your account fresh and the main advantage will be having a fresh account with the same unchanged followers. If you’re collapsed from deleting all the tweets in just a few clicks without taking much time, then you’ve reached a great destination. Here in this article, I’m going to let you know about the concept of “deleting all Tweets on Twitter” with a few clicks. Let’s roll out the article for further procedures.

Did you know?

How to Delete a Twitter Account Permanently?

Is it really possible to delete all Tweets in just a few clicks? Deleting all Tweets will take much time? Like this, you may have some queries. Here’s the best solution to all your queries of deleting the tweets on Twitter. I’ve found 3 best ways for the deletion process. In a past article, I’ve delivered the deletion process of the Twitter account. If you wanna check out the past article, the link is posted in the Did you know head. For starting a fresh life on Twitter, you can delete all tweets instead of deleting the existing account.

3 Best methods to delete all tweets on Twitter

As I mentioned the reason for this deletion process of the tweets in the above passage, and this process will be done quickly. For the completion of the process, we are gonna use 3 webpages. There are more webpages to delete tweets, but these 3 were the best among all. So we are gonna do the deletion process of tweets and the short quick procedure is also mentioned below.

1. Tweet Delete:

Tweet Delete is a website in which you can delete your Twitter tweets for free with the limitation of 3,200 tweets. While comparing to other sites, this one has the advantage of deleting more number of tweets. This webpage deletes your last 3,200 tweets. For the deletion process, you’ll need to sign in to your Twitter account on the webpage. This process will do a quick vanish of all your tweets. Let’s move on further for the procedures.


1. At the very first step, open the webpage using the link-TweetDelete. By clicking this link, you’ll be redirected to the official webpage of Tweet Delete.

2. After the first step, sign in to your Twitter account just by accepting and agreeing with their terms and condition.

3. Once you’ve signed in, you’ll be again redirected to a new window and in that, you need to click an option named “Authorize app” to continue the process. After this process, a dropdown menu will appear with one week to one year of tweets for the deletion process. In that, you can choose the timeline of tweets.

4. And after choosing the timeline, accept all the options that were given and finally click the option named “Active TweetDelete

” to delete all your tweets.

5. By following all the above 4 steps, you can easily able to delete your tweets. After this deletion process, go to your Twitter setting and revoke access to this webpage. Follow this link to revoke the access.

2. TwitWipe:

TwitWipe, another website that allows you to delete your Twitter tweets in a few clicks. On this site, you can be able to delete 3,200 tweets and if you want to crossover the limitation, you can just follow the same procedure. Here in TwitWipe, you can delete your Twitter tweets for any kind of reason with a quick process. The procedures are mentioned below for the deletion of Twitter tweets.


1. At first, open the website using the link-TwitWipe. By clicking this link, you’ll be redirected to the homepage of the site.

2. The second step is the same as the previous method, sign in to your Twitter account by accepting and agreeing to their terms and condition.

3. After signing in to your Twitter account, then you need to give authorize your Twitter account. This can be done by clicking the option named “Authorize App


4. Finally, after giving authorization, click OK to delete and after accepting, the deletion process will be getting started.

NOTE: After following all the above steps, sign out your Twitter account and revoke the authorization that was given in the past for the deletion process.

3. TweetDeleter:

Tweet Deleter is a website that also allows users to delete their Twitter tweets in an instant of time. This website is totally different from the first-mentioned website named Tweet Delete. This TweetDeleter has three modes of options like free, premium, and unlimited packages. Some of the features are of deleting tweets automatically, multiple deleting, deleting the full history, etc. Based on this, let’s get into the procedures for the deletion process.


1. Right first, open the website by following the link-TweetDeleter. By clicking this link, you’ll be redirected to the official homepage of Tweet Deleter.

2. After entering into the website, sign in to your Twitter account and after that, give access to authorization to your Twitter account to delete the tweets.

3. Once you gave the authorization, you’ll be opened to a dashboard of TweetDeleter. There you can choose the numbers of tweets and after choosing the tweet numbers, click the “Delete Tweet” options that were located at the top right.

4. By following the above steps, you can easily able to delete your tweets in an instant of time.


The article has reached its climax. This article is all about the topic of “Delete all your tweets in just one click“. Here in this article, you can gain three websites that allow you to delete all your tweets in a quick process. The procedures for the deletion process are also mentioned. But whenever you’re deleting your tweets, just make sure the confirmation. Once if it is deleted, then you can’t restore all your old tweets again. Finally, revoke all the access that was given while the usage of the websites.
