July 23, 2024


Future OF Technology And CommunicaTion

How to Turn Off Auto-fill on Microsoft Edge Browser?

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Have you ever frustrated by the Auto-fill feature in your Edge browser? If yes, this article will show you how to disable or turn off the Auto-fill feature in the Microsoft Edge browser. First of all, Auto-fill is a feature that saves up time by filling any form by itself with the help of previously entered values. The values are email address, name, or phone number. These values are automatically filled in the form. This feature is a time-saving one, but it will cause risk. Due to this, you can better disable the Auto-fill feature in your Edge browser. To turn off the Auto-fill feature in your browser, follow up the below-mentioned procedures.

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How to Turn Off Auto-fill on Microsoft Edge Browser?

Microsoft’s Edge browser is a specially made browser for Windows 10 Operating system. This browser enables its users to surf the Internet with safe. In this browser, there is a feature called Auto-fill is available. This feature helps out the users to auto-fill the form with the help of previously entered information. Sometimes, this feature may cause a risk to the users. So to avoid the risk of this auto-fill feature, you can better disable this feature. It is easy to do, just follow the below-mentioned procedures and toggle some basic settings in your browser. To do this process, you may need to update your Microsoft Edge browser to its latest version. Here’s the process.

1. First of all, open your Microsoft Edge browser on your PC. If your browser isn’t updated to the latest version, just update it and follow the upcoming process.


2. In your browser’s new window, click the three horizontal dots and then select the “Settings“.

3. Now in the settings option, select the profile option. By default, you’ll be viewing the profile option, in that, you need to choose the option named “Personal info“. In this, you can be able to turn off the Auto-fill feature.

4. Finally in the personal info setting, turn off the enabled option of auto-fill. This will be enabled by default. By turning off this personal info auto-fill, hereafter the browser does not auto-fills the personal information like email address, name, etc.

How to Turn Off Auto-fill feature of Payments Info?

1. Additionally, to turn off the auto-fill of payments information, go to the settings and select the “Payments Info” option. In this setting, you can turn off the auto-fill feature of your payments information.

2. In this payments info, turn off the auto-fill option. This will be enabled by default. By turning off this auto-fill, the browser will not auto-fill your payments information. And that’s it, this will turn off the Auto-fill of the payments info.


Here’s the conclusion of the article. This article clearly explains to you how to turn off the auto-fill feature in the Microsoft Edge browser. You just need to change a simple setting in your browser’s settings. Basically, the Auto-fill feature is a time-saving one but sometimes it may cause a risk. So by disabling this feature, you’ll be free from the risk. Follow the above-mentioned procedures to turn off the Auto-fill on Microsoft Edge.
