July 23, 2024


Future OF Technology And CommunicaTion

5 Cool Sites To Overcome Stress and Anxiety

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The world has a 750+ crores population. From those people, sometimes I too have stress and fallen in depressions. Those times will be like despondency and will be in overthinking state. In order to overcome all those stress and anxiety, we need to concentrate on things like hearing music, doing yoga, and speaking with our most beloved persons. If you can’t do all these things, then follow some smart things like the stress-free websites. Those websites will relieve all your stress and anxiety in minutes. Just look out the article and collect the 5 cool websites for relieving stress and anxiety.

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This article may be helpful to the people who are all in a depressed mindset and struggling to come out from that. The below-mentioned websites will absolutely relieve all your stress and anxiety in a piece of minutes. I’ll mention only the realistic and awesome ones. Just try them for once and kick all your depressions, stresses and anxiety’s away from your incredible heart.

1. Calm

Calm is a mighty team that started with a passion to help people for their health and happiness. The team has an app and 7M+ people have given 5 stars for the app. The app got more awards and more positive reviews. You can use this site for meditation which will improve your life-changing skills, relax by watching natural scenes, and hear some music and threw all your stress and anxiety. The site and app will guide you for a peaceful life. Just make use of this site and app for at least once because lots of people had given many positive results and I too suggest calm for a better experience.

2. Pixel of thoughts

Pixel of thoughts is a 60-second meditation website that helps you to get rid of your stress and depression just by entering all your pains and thoughts in it. The main page of the site looks quite awesome and asks you to enter your stressful thought. After entering the thoughts, click the done option. Then the meditation process starts with a peaceful song. The pixel of thought will guide you through the meditation and relieve all your stress and anxiety in just 60 seconds. Make sure to hear the background music because it will be relaxing your mind.


3. Get Relaxed

Get relaxed is a website used for relieving all your stress just by hearing some epic soundscapes. The users can sit in one place and hear some relaxing soundscapes with wondering slides. When you started hearing the music with images, then your stress level will be dropped out immediately. There are 15 different soundtracks available and you can choose the good ones. Each soundtrack lasts between 2-4 minutes. Watching all the natural scenes with a peaceful soundtrack makes all your stress level down.

4. Weavesilk

Weavesilk is an amazing website and the people who are interested in the art will definitely love using this site. In this site, you can draw more interesting things. I’ve tried this site and I’m totally loved using the site because I’ve got much happiness while using the site. You can use this site for drawing some epic arts. Here in this site, the users can create a multi-colored geometric picture. There are so many different colors and controls for making a geometric picture. I’m sure that many of you will love using this website.


5. Rainy Mood

Rainy Mood is a brilliant website for overcoming all our stress and anxiety. Many people will be got stressed by deeply thinking about something. For them, Rainy Mood will be a great choice and the good one too. The website provides you with Rain Sounds for Sleep & Study. If you’re doing some homework or meditations, by the time when you hear the sounds from the site, then the work will be endless. Mainly the sounds of rain will relax most of the people’s minds. Just check out the site, you’ll really love to hear all those soundtracks.


I conclude the article by wrapping out the summary in brief. The article totally covers about overcoming all stress and anxiety by viewing 5 cool websites. I’ve mentioned 5 cool websites and from that, I’ve much admired on Weavesilk website. Just check out all the five websites and will be more amazing to use. I hope this article will be useful for many people.
