July 24, 2024


Future OF Technology And CommunicaTion

How to Find Saved Wifi Password?

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Did you forget your Wifi password? Want to find that password which was saved in your Computer or Mobile? If yes, then you’ve arrived at the right place. You can easily view the Wifi passwords which you’ve saved before. By following steps you can easily view all saved Wifi passwords. Here in this article, I’m going to apprise about “How to view saved Wifi Password“. At the end of this article, you’ll be very clear to see a saved Wifi password. Also, watch my previous article which relates this article, “Tips and Tricks in Command Prompt“. By watching the previous article, you may know some different tricks that you may not know.

How to view saved Wifi password?

You can easily view all your saved Wifi passwords. Here, I’ve said for Windows, macOS, iPhone, Android, etc. For all these, you can view your saved Wifi passwords. All you need is to follow some steps.

How to view saved Wifi password in Windows?

This passage would be helpful to all Windows users. The procedure is very simple and everyone can easily able to view it. Below I’ve mentioned simple steps. By following those steps, you can easily view all your saved Wifi passwords. Also here I’ve mentioned two ways. One is directly viewing in Network and Sharing options and another is by using Command Prompt.

Method: 1

1. First, go to start and search for Network and Sharing Center option.

2. After opening, click the Network which you’ve connected.

3. There, a new screen popups. In that, click Wireless properties.

4. By entering that option, you can be able to see the Network security key. By clicking Show password, you can view your saved password.

Method: 2

1. First, Open Command prompt and run as Administrator.

2. Then write the command “netsh wlan show profile” and press enter key.

3. Finally enter the Wifi name which you want to view the password.

How to view saved Wifi passwords in macOS?

Here in this section, the Mac users who don’t know about how to view saved wifi passwords and could be able to know how to view it by following some steps. The macOS always stores information like Wifi passwords in its keychain access app. Let’s see the steps below.

source: pcmag.com

1. First, press Command+Space to open the spotlight, then search for “keychain access” and open the app.

2. Search the Network in the search bar which you want to know the password.

3. When you entered into the network, there you could find the attributes page. Below you can see your network’s password.

How to view saved Wifi passwords in Android Device?

For Android users, they can only be able to view their saved Wifi passwords just by sharing those Networks with other devices. They can’t view the password on their device itself. Follow the steps which I’ve mentioned below.

1. First of all, go to Settings


2. Then go to Wifi and choose the network and tap on the network.

3. After that a QR code that popups, scan the QR code in another device to view the saved Wifi Password.

How to view saved Wifi passwords in iPhone?

Since Apple didn’t provide any services for iPhones to view all those saved passwords. The only way to view saved Wifi password is by viewing it on Mac. The password is stored on the keychain access app. The iPhone users who didn’t have Mac, they have no choice rather than hacking their device. So there’s no option for iPhone users.


I’m concluding this article by telling the summary in quick. This article is all about explaining “How to view saved Wifi passwords” and I’ve said for Windows, macOS, Android, iPhone. By following the above-mentioned instructions, you can be able to view all your saved Wifi passwords. And also watch my previous post which relates this article “Tips and Tricks in Command Prompt“. And that’s it, I hope everyone could understand this article and I’m concluding this article.
